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Old 10-17-2006, 09:57 AM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
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AR15 Uppers from Oly Arms, Ok out of box?

I just bought an AR15 upper in 300/221 a/k/a 300 Whisper to mount on my Colt 6920 from Olympic Arms. I was wondering what everyone's expirance is with this gun and if it shoots ok out of the box. I have seen where and adjustable gas block is needed to get it to cycle properly.

Right now, all I have is 165gr round to shoot out of it, most of which will be supersonic. I seen no point in loading sub-sonic rounds as I don't have the can for it, yet.

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Old 10-17-2006, 01:14 PM
Scoop Scoop is offline
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I've had 2 of these uppers and both ran just fine with subsonic and supersonic loads right out of the box. I never went the adjustable gas block route. I will say that with the pistol-length gas system and whatever size gas port they are using (I've never miked it), recoil is definitely noticeable with supersonic loads. I'm pretty sure they set them up to make sure they will function with subsonic.

I still have the second one. I had the barrel taken down to 10.5 inches for use on a Registered SBR lower I have. Even at 10.5 inches, it runs like a champ with subsonic or supersonic loads with or without the suppressor. Here's a pic of the shorty.
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Old 10-18-2006, 11:44 PM
sparhawk sparhawk is offline
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Waiting Sucks!

Scoop, that is a sweet gun. I'm still waiting for all of my pieces to arrive so I can finish building mine. Waiting sucks! How does it shoot? How does it sound? What kind of can is that?

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Old 10-19-2006, 12:05 AM
Scoop Scoop is offline
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Thanks Sparhawk. The can is an AAC Cyclone. It shoots really nice. <1.5 moa with subsonics and <1 moa with supersonic 125 NBT's. Not too shabby for a 10.5 inch barrel. Most of the noise with subsonic is just the action cycling. With supersonic loads, it sounds just a little louder than a .22 LR.
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Old 10-22-2006, 04:59 AM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
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Well, I cancelled my order from Olympic Arms today.


I ordered it about two weeks ago and the guy said he would have it made up and out to me within two weeks. I called today, and they have not even ran the barrels. So they have no barrels EVEN THOUGH, they stated they had a few on shelf ready to go when I called to place my order. Then they Gave me the typical "Gov't Order delayed us B.S." when I asked what the hold up was.

Then I asked them to put a 5/8"x24 thread on it, and not the standard 1/2"x28 that comes on Ar15's. Why? Because I want get a suppressor for both full power .308's coming out of a bolt gun, and still be able to slap it on my 300/221. Why buy two supressors when you don't have to??? They refused to do it. Why? I don't know... They don't even have the barrels made, I can't believe it's that hard just to do a simple thread change on the end of the barrel. On top of that, they make AR10's, which have the 5/8"x25 thread ends on them, so I know they can do it!

Then, they told me their "Gov't Contact" put them back, so they "might" get around to making them next week.

For spending close to $800, errr.... attempting to spend $800 at this place, I am NOT impressed.

Note: Anyone know where Randal is? I emailed him twice and still nothing? Is he on vacation or something?

Last edited by Lawfficer; 11-13-2006 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 10-25-2006, 11:32 AM
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Wrangler Wrangler is offline
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model 1

Have you tried a model1 barrel. I have been thinking about ordering one from them.
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Old 10-25-2006, 03:43 PM
320pf 320pf is offline
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Try Del-Ton Inc.

Try Del-Ton Inc.


Tony at Del-Ton put together avery nice upper for me. It is based on a 16" "post ban" stainless steel barrel from Olympic Arm (note Olympic Arms barels are really Wilson barrels.

Mine shoots very well, thank you! :)

He also has other barrels available.

If I remember correctly, there was a post on this site complaining about Model-1. It seems that they were trying to pass off some 1:10 barrels as 1:8 twist.
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Old 10-25-2006, 04:58 PM
Lawfficer Lawfficer is offline
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So I ordered an upper from Model 1

Well see how it goes.
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Old 10-28-2006, 06:09 AM
prebancolt prebancolt is offline
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+1 for Tony at Del-ton. He's a great guy who will treat you right!
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Old 11-13-2006, 11:00 AM
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Colorado Osprey Colorado Osprey is offline
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Originally Posted by 320pf
Tony at Del-Ton put together avery nice upper for me. It is based on a 16" "post ban" stainless steel barrel from Olympic Arm (note Olympic Arms barels are really Wilson barrels.)
Ummm....I don't know how to put this....as a newbie here on this forum, I am not trying to push anyone around...just set things straight.
Olympic Arms makes their own barrels and are NOT Wilson.

Here's a reply I asked on another forum and a well respected and internationally known gunsmith that maufactures custom AR's and was instrumental in the developement of the WSSM line in AR rifles and uses almost exclusively Olympic Barrels.(SUM Stainless Ultra Match -broach cut)
Go back and tell them they are wrong. Oly has always made their own barrels. In fact, Bob, fouder and CEO of Olympic Arms was making barrels for P.O. Ackley back when Ackley became a famous gun maker.
Here's a link:
Lets remove all the warning labels and let nature take it's course.

Last edited by Colorado Osprey; 11-13-2006 at 11:04 AM.
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