First off, I want to say I am by no means any sort of expert on this subject. I kind of have to side with Ranger Dave that this guy was probably playing around with something he knew he shouldn't have been doing and he got caught. Honestly how does one get caught with an illegal full auto weapon? My guess is that it goes bangbangbangbangbang at the range rather than bang, bang, bang, bang. In a related story, my brother-in-law and I went to a gun store once in Reno. My bro-in-law had an AR15 he was thinking about selling or trading that we took with us and he offered up as trading fodder. The clerk behind the counter took the gun, broke it down into lower and upper, and proceded to freak out. Apparently this gun which my bro had owned for years as is and both of us had fired hundreds of rounds through had some M16 parts. The clerk freaked out, basically said "Oh my god this is a felony right here" proceeded to strip the gun right there on the counter and then said. " I shouldn't even give you these parts back." It had M16 parts.
Right or wrong, that made one hell of an impression on me. Here was a gun that only ever fired once per trigger pull and this guy is freaking out. Given the political nature of the ATF and the fact that they sometimes interpret laws depending on the way the wind blows.....why even think about screwing around and losing your RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS.