Originally Posted by Bigfoot
Looks perfect, except for that price.
Late in the game on this one...
Yes, it is $1,366 for the kit, but let's see what it would take to break even.
The Kit includes enough materials to make 1,300 bullets (assumption on the lead core portion.) He sells 250 jackets for $24 and a 70,000 grain spool of lead for $24. So, 1,300 jackets would be $24x5 (close enough) = $120 and the lead would be $24x5(close enough) = $120. So that is $240 per 1,250 rounds, or 19.2¢/round. If we subtract the $240 from the kit cost, we have $1,126 as a fixed cost to recoup.
I currently buy 240 grain SMKs for about 40¢/each. With this kit, I'd be saving 20¢/bullet. To break even, I'd have to make 5,630 bullets. That's a lot of bullets.

I blaze through that much 5.56 ammo in less than a year, but I don't shoot the 300x221 at nearly the same amount. Mostly because it costs about $15 per magazine of 30, versus $5 for a 30 round mag of 5.56.