now that you have decided
I finally found this message thread and thought I would add what little I can.
First off the making 45 acp brass from 308 is NOT easy well ok it isn't hard but it sure sucks, a considerable amount of case wall must be removed either by inside reaming or outside turning. secondly, I see it sorta mentioned, but lets not forget that there are at least two standard 45's out there, the pistol with bullets in the .451-.452 range ( some older guns were actually .454) and the rifle which is normally .457-.458.
and last I have a 21" winchester '94 in .45 Colt ( long colt if you prefer) and I regularly shoot my heavy revolver loads in it and I would not consider it even remotely quiet. granted I am pushing 300 grain cast slugs over a pretty healthy dose of H110, and it chrono's substancially faster out of the long tube ( several hundred feet faster... in the 15-1600 fps range) as compared to 1100 in a revolver (from memory and generalized I didn't dig out my chrono log and look)
interesting concept though... I might have to dig up some unique loads and see how it sounds about seven grains is a decent compromise in the LC case with 230 grain ball bullets (cheap too as it works out as an even 1000 rounds per pound of powder) if memory serves thats about a 900 fps load in the revolver.
gotta go get ready for winter
Dan in Alaska
Homeland defense starts at home