Originally Posted by d-mon
Why not trying to do someting using a longer case , of similar volume as the 45 long colt to launch heavier bullets like a .458 500gr bullet?
You're right, it would be more powerfull and have better range and I considered that. Lee makes some bullets molds that I like. 500 gr HP with a .443 BC, I've forgotton the BC for the 405 gr HP right now. These could used with soft lead and a gas check for good expansion at these low velocities so they would really thump game and should penetrate fine also.
I decided on the ACP because of the guns intended use. At 100 yards (the length of my property) the higher BCs arn't really necessary. For my game 230 gr HP bullets are plenty powerfull and I don't want any extra penetration for reasons of safety. Factory 45ACP 230 gr ammo is already loaded to the proper velocity and is cheap. Coyotes travel in packs so at close range I want a fast repeater and the Tunderbolt pump 45LC is a top eject which I dont prefer, I don't tend to like lever actions either.