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Old 01-14-2013, 10:10 PM
3006mv 3006mv is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 52

So i never did get my free .308 bullets yet from Hornady even though they cashed my check for s&h some poor excuse about they ran out, i mean come on you are a bullet company after all.
so anyway their dies are good. no complaints there. I did also however buy the Lee dies b/c the bullet seating die is like I figured very easy to clean the tumble lube/wax out of. But their boolits are so long I had to cut the seating stem shorter just to get more threads into the seating adjustment, so gtg there. their decapping/expander die leaves a weird wrinkle at the mouth, no biggy though I use their universal mouth case flaring die anyway for the lead boolits then use the bullet seating die with no crimp, I also do not crimp w/ the Lee fcd w/ the lead, but I do use it for jacket bullets. I will probably stick to the Hornady or Redding decapping dies. I read that some people do not use case lube in their lee dies, i tried it and although it is harder to pull the lever it does work, i tried that on the other dies and yeah they got stuck or ruined the rims. i will use the case lube, it is not that much of a hassle for me. so still sticking with the AA1680 11.4 gr load, no reason to try anything else, only okay groups though maybe 2.5-3" at 100m good enough for me for plinking w/ these, i get lead for free so i can't complain.
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