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Old 05-02-2006, 07:48 PM
m21black m21black is offline
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300 Whisper Bolt Action

Looking for some opinons on what action is best suited for the 300 Whisper. I have built a AR upper and bought a SSK barrel for my TC Contender G2. Even took a deer with the 300 Whisper TC last fall.

Now I'm going to build one on a bolt action, not looking to build a heavy barrel monster, rather a short sporter rifle to be set up with my AAC 308 can.
I'm sure there are lots of thought out there?
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Old 05-03-2006, 09:02 AM
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For the initial cost and inherent accuracy out of the box...Savage. I'm shooting one that feeds the Whisper cartridges out of an unmodified mag box and produces sub MOA accuracy consistantly. You can swap a barrel out at home in 10 minutes and the bolt heads interchange in 5. Two good aftermarket triggers available,SSS and Riflebasix SAV-2. There are a growing number of aftermarket stocks available Choate, Bell and Carlson #2999 etc ,although the factory laminate isnt bad. Lots of factory parts available at Midway and Brownells.

That being said ...I'm doing one on an XP Remington for myself later this month. It'll be a PITA to set up, but like all Rems....It should shoot as good as a Salvage after I spend a day truing it up

If you know someone that likes to work in metric...I think Howa produces as good an action as anyone or CZ (mini mauser) if you'd like an action thats actually built around the size of smaller cartrides.
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Old 05-03-2006, 02:50 PM
m21black m21black is offline
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My brother is building a Whisper on the CZ action, I haven't thought of the Savage action although I know how accurate they are out of the box nor have a considered the Howa. Good luck with the xp100... I have considered a 600 or model 7.
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Old 05-03-2006, 05:15 PM
pmc pmc is offline
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I built mine on a Rem 700

Lot's of stock options and aftermarket parts if you want.

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Old 05-03-2006, 07:49 PM
m21black m21black is offline
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That is a handsome rifle, just a couple of questions.

What kind of suppressor are you using? I have a AAC Cyclone, works fine but I'm thinking about buying a can better sized for the whisper.

What barrel manufacture did you use and what is the twist rate?

What sized bullets are you using?

Last but not least have you shot it at any distances greater than 100yrds? and what kind of accuracy are you able to achieve.
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Old 05-03-2006, 11:33 PM
pmc pmc is offline
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Originally Posted by m21black
That is a handsome rifle, just a couple of questions.

What kind of suppressor are you using? I have a AAC Cyclone, works fine but I'm thinking about buying a can better sized for the whisper.

What barrel manufacture did you use and what is the twist rate?

What sized bullets are you using?

Last but not least have you shot it at any distances greater than 100yrds? and what kind of accuracy are you able to achieve.
My can is an ETS Fer-de-lance. They are a local (Mid-TN) manufacturer. The Barrel is a Hart 1 Stainless with a 1 in 8 twist. I shoot 220 and 240 gr bullets. I typically do not shoot it past 100 as that is the limit I set for hunting. It generally shoots better than MOA. Often 1/2 MOA. I am usually the one to screw it up.

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Old 05-04-2006, 10:29 AM
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pmc, nice camo job! Does the Whisper case feed, particlarly eject well from the 700 action? I have a 17 M4 done on a 700 (with a barrel nut and interchangeable bolt head like a Savage) that doesnt eject spent cases well. I've always suspected it was due to the lack of case diameter at the neck.....? Just wondering about what to expect.....
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Old 05-04-2006, 11:29 AM
pmc pmc is offline
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Actually, mine does not eject well. I contemplated going to a sako extractor but decided to just remove the extractor altogether. I like the fact that if I'm hunting the brass doesn't kick out and make noise falling to the ground.

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Old 05-07-2006, 11:20 PM
m21black m21black is offline
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I have a line on a CZ in 221 fireball anyone have any pictures of their conversion to the 300 Whisper / 300-221 FB.
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Old 05-12-2006, 05:18 PM
ranger dave ranger dave is offline
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what gun

any rifle with a bolt face for a .223 will work i went with an old rem 788 i like a mag feed and the 788 is one of the best rem made
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