This may not be civilized but ( and it's legal in NY ) You can always use a bow & arrow...... A compound bow and arrow with a broadhead tip on it works good...... never had a nieghbor bother me about noise and it's good practice for bow season...... and if the game is small enogh and the angle is right you can staple it to the ground. You wont have to worry about it running off to the nieghbors to die. It ain't as neatand clean as a 300 whisper but the arrow won't carry as far either. I've been playing around with an atlatl........ I I know it's low teck but it's alot of fun...... check it out it's also cheaper than a whisper.
New york won't let you have none of this fun suppressor stuff. Besides we got Billary Clinton and you know her if its fun the little people can't have it. I wish she'ld go back to Little Rock and take Chucky Schoemer with her. I don't believe I could have a suppressor on a soft air gun in this state. Kentucky and Arizona are lookin' better and better all the time.