Ok Dies to reload 25AR, its been a looong and $$$$$ road for me i spent almost $450 to find the right combination that works (with help from brent)
I was in on the 2nd run of dies from ch4d <---neck dimensions were oversize in the sizeing die. Everything else was great.. I ordered a ch4d bushing neck sizer to try and "fix" the necks worked ok wasnt consistant : (
NOW here is my attack plan
Some updates ive been working on guys
Using the redding die has been perfect i slid the tapered 25cal button in it w/o the decapping pin and i resized all my previously primed jacked up neck brass.
Loaded 5 they were all perfect
So i popped the pin back in and ran some once fired 25AR through the die, perfect in everyway, also waay smoother than the ch4d dies.
So i have come to this process for the 25AR
virgin 223 brass will be sized and necked in the ch4d die to 25AR then seated with the ch4d seater die.
Once fired 25AR will be sized in the redding die and will be seated by ch4d die also.
This is the best way i decided to do it so i can utilize the fucked up FL ch4d die. The only thing i have bought that bit me in the ass so far is the damn ch4d bushing neck sizing die. It only works with Ch4d bushings well. I put the redding ti ni in, to try and do just necks and it jacked up the brass everytime i gave up after 4 pieces.
So while not totally useless, for 25AR it is.
Hopefully this weekend ill have finished my pressure/velocity testing and move onto my group work up and start messing with the 300 pieces of 75gr pills ive lucked into
ETA: also for you guys with the ch4d dies I have ordered the redding micrometer seating die plug to try in the ch4d seating dieDOES NOT FIT, I WILL BE ORDERING A 25wssm SEATER DIE SO I CAN CRIMP AND USE THE COMP STEM
Again current thoughts in red, also thank you for the welcome Mister Moon