Quick blurb of my cycling issues, when i first got the rifle built i was plagued with cycling issues. I did everything possible before drilling the GP, i wanted to see if i could get it to run w/o drilling.
I had to drill heres why
so ran 50 more rounds today, i was incorrect about the GP size, it was closer to .065" worked up to .076". way better but still sometimes hiccups shot it with my other lower and does same thing. So im going to grab the next 3 sized bits and go up from there. shoots good though, my chrono should be here this week so ill get some velocity #'s next weekend hopefully
thats from the very long thread on ar15.com
Very happy now Now i will start working up some serious ladder tests from 25-27gr see where the sweet spot is. I will def have some updates as i also joined a range so i will prob be shooting every Sunday now best news is i finally got the AR to cycle and goddamn this sumbitch shoots! Had to drill out to #46 .0810" flawless runs on a fully stock buffer setup I have a new favorite mag also for the 25AR, Lancer 10rd fantastic and can accept a little longer OAL.
Also got to chrono my loads ran 20 over it a avg of 2550fps25gr is my start load wanted to ensure function with the lightest loading id run. Only played at 50 due to zeroing my .22 and messing with the chrono. Kept all rounds in a 1" square.
Very happy now Now i will start working up some serious ladder tests from 25-27gr see where the sweet spot is. I will def have some updates as i also joined a range so i will prob be shooting every Sunday now
Ok my thoughts are in red from this old posting