One of the main reasons I'd like the 300 Whisper or 300 BlackOut is my main rifle calibers are: .338 , .308, and .223. I usually buy my bullet heads in bulk.
I've seen my friend shoot sub moa 5 shot groups w/ a 10" or 12" scoped ssk 300 Whisper T/C at a 100 yds. He was using 180gr Win Silvertips and I believe AA#9 or #7. 221 FIREBall brass resized to 300. He said velocity was a little over 1,000 fps. He's one of the best marksman I've ever shot with. Unfortunately he's been in very bad health.
As stated earlier, Paper, deer, and coyote at ranges 200 yds and less. Would I get better accuracy/ velocity from the 300 Blackout over the Whisper? I would like to stay w/ an AR platform, mags, and .308 cal. heads. I usually can get 2" groups at a 100 yds with my stock HK91's and FALs w/ open sights. Scoped AR 300 Whisper/ BlkOut should do better?
Thanks again, Jason