Thanks for the help!! Well, to be honest, the only two slow powders I have any knowledge about, and have, are Hodgdon Varget and IMR-4064. I use them for my 30-06 and they are more than likely WAY to slow.
There are a lot of powders on the burn rate charts between my 1680 and 4064 so I was wondering....what if?
I'm guessing that a lot of unburnt powder, not to impressive velocities, etc...
If possible could you run 2 powders?
1) Varget since it is the slowest I have
2) Hodgdon Benchmark since it's pretty much in the middle of my 1680 and 4064.
However, if you or any other member who may have a better suggestion than these two powders please feel free to substitute and suggest it.
Thanks again!