Mr. Quarterbore,
I am about to enter the retired class. I bought an old Sears - Atlas Clausing lathe several years ago and have just finished restoring it. I have played with a model maker lathe (three inch swing) for several years but with no real purpose. I would be intrested in any special tools and projects. I recently received as a Christmas gift a subscription to "Model Engine" Mag. I would be especially intrested in projects of restoring old Hit & Miss Engines which would fit nicely in the special tools request.
I purchased your CD and found it very helpful. I ordered all the parts directly from Clausing but they are apparently running out of some parts. Do you know of any one making some replacement parts like the Mitre Gear for the cross feed? That was one of the parts that Clausing told me they only have 5 more left. I wonder if making the gear out of brass would be acceptable rather than the "Pot Metal" that has been used on a lot of the parts. Granted the idea was to make some of the gears out of softer material so that if the operator made a mistake that certain parts would fail to protect other more expensive parts.
Thanks for giving those of use that want to learn a place to look.
Ol Ben