I have been sharpening the lathe tools at TS. I wrote a sharpening SBU after I built the sharpening jig but have put that class on hold for the time being since we decided that indiscriminate sharpening would soon wear out the tools. I would be glad to help you decide what sharpening equipment would be useful to you. You don't need a special (expensive) low speed grinder, just a standard 6" or 8" double wheel bench grinder. I would suggest a ball bearing one over a super cheap discount clone. The Wolverine type jig is a good idea (I made the one at TS, and will be adding a side grinding jig and a tilting table to it soon).
Before you buy any tools, talk to me, I can tell you where to get a full set of high quality tools for < than the cost of one "major brand" tool. OOPS, too late, but if you want to add to your collection see me.