I agree, the best way is probably to have someone make a .45 barrel for a Marlin, Savage or Mauser and test it. A chronograph would be helpfull too. Use hot loads and keep cutting off an inch until the sound level reaches your goals. At that point you should be able to use lower pressure loads safely and quietly.
Remember, Prebancolt said his 16.5" Marlin was quieter than his 18.5" Ruger 10/22. I was assuming 26" would be necessary but now I'm thinking 24" might do it.
BTW those guys that used 26" or longer .22LR barrels said that they are SILENT except for the sound of the hammer dropping and the bullets impact. Nice but I don't need to go that far.
There are 1911 colt and Glock pistol conversions, they claim a velocity increase also. I'd belive it with P+ or 45 Super ammo but I'd doubt it standard pressure ammo.
http://www.mechtechsys.com/ They don't say anything about noise with thier 16.25" barrel.
Besides using a muzzleloader, another cheap way of testing barrel length is a chamber adapter in a .45 caliber rifle like a 45/70, I read an old poster saying these guys will make one but I didn't see it listed.
http://www.mcace.com/adapters.htm I asked that poster how long his barrel was and how loud it was with the adapter but he hasn't responded yet either.