I don't put much faith in that Mauser conversion manufacturers claims. First they claim that it's quiet, and Prebancolt tells us his sounds similar to a .22. More telling is the claim that it increases velocity by 300 fps.

Nah, I don't buy that one a bit. Looking at the barrel nut on that Mauser gave me a DUH moment, I've got a Savage. I'm sure Pac-Nor would make me a barrel, not sure what I'd do about a magazine though.
I assume that the extra barrel length would slow down the velocity, and that would hurt trajectory of that short 230 gr hollowpoint. So, since I want the velocity as close to 1000 fps as possible I'd try +P or even 45 Super (in a Marlin using a 22# Wolfe spring) loads, hopefully that fast burning powder would still burn up. There's probably a compromise point between barrel length, loading, and noise and that's what I'm looking for.
So, the question stands, how long of a barrel? Anybody have a .45 muzzleloader with a long barrel thats willing to pull apart a ACP cartridge and front load it?