Have not been back here for a while, but here is where I am at
with the load.
9.2grn Unique, Sierra 180grn round nose, CCI large magnum primers.
Cases fully prepped: trim, full length size, primer pocket uniformed and
flash hole debur. They shoot good. No filler, though I did get some flash
cotton and Pufflon. I have a few loaded that I moly coated and have
"seasoned the barrel" Will be testing them and see what this does for the
spread/speed/etc. I did notice that shooting from an elevated position as
from blind, that the drop is noticeably less
Good thing I shot a few from
a similar position prior to dialing for the hunt.
The rounds punched through this hog at around 80 yds, no problem, but
did not hit the spine solid dead center. There were a few fragments near
the exit hole, so I am guessing that the bullet expaned fairly well. (pass through)