Mate, welcome to the Aussie M9 club. I have one too! If I may make a suggestion, contact the seller, and ask him if you can do a direct deposit into his bank from yours, like a wire transfer from your acct to his, all in AUD, and its pretty much instant. Saves some time, and BS, but might cost you a bit of $$, but its worth it.
About MO's be warned that even many MOs that are international are not cashable in Australia (I had to return a USPO MO once), and incurr a $15 cashing fee on this end if so, which is rare. A cheque from your bank in AUD may suffice (it will have a fee too), but I would go with a direct deposit.
After living here in Australia for now going on 12 yrs, I have had many difficulties in MOs from the USA and Canada. Thats why i do the direct deposits or paypal.
You'll love your M9, and you got it for a great price, almost a steal.
Cold beers,
All the better to start an official M9 page
"Who Dares Grins"