So two different approaches here.
I have two CZ-527's
On is a 300/221 with a 11:1 barrel twist, no can attachment and a 24" inch barrel and a laminated stock which I don't like. I paid less then 800 for it and it works GREAT. This is my supersonic go-to gun and proved itself leathel on two whitetails with Nossler 125 grain's.
My other is the new SSK 300 Whisper with a 16" barrel and big a$$ can threaded on the end. 8:1 barrel twist and it cost me more then three times the money as my first (with the can). This will be dedicated mostly to subs.
So you have one gun with two barrels and i have two guns. Next is going to be an AR platform with a ???. Well, I am still thinking about this one.