My 10.5 shoots 240s into a clean hole. The 250 Outlaws are shorter than the 240 SMKs, but do not fully stabilize @ 100yds. At 30 yards I get perfect round holes. I've seen this before in a 308 and a heavy bullet. They were stable and round @ 100 yards and shooting good groups, but at 150 groups opened up and the bullets were unstable. I've come to the conclusion that the OAL of a bullet, altitude and RPM in subs are not the only factor that determines is stability. It seems that a bullets weight distribution is also a major factor. I have no explaination for the barrel length issue. I have seen this in more than one gun. Both are running as close to 1050 as possible in a 1 in 8 so theoretically both bullet should react the same. As always when dealing with subs "Think backwards"