Originally Posted by rsilvers
ds762 - the last guy I got in an internet debate with turned out to be a 20 year old computer salesman at Best Buy. While you are asking me about my degrees, why don't you fill us in on your gun-related résumé.
Well you've tried to give a half-ass answer to my questions so I guess I'll try to answer yours.
I'm currently a 32 year old construction worker and have been actively shooting since I was old enough to physically hold a rifle (age 4). I was an active IPSC shooter for over 6 yrs. I've been in the NFA realm for over 11 yrs.
I currently have a nice little collection of tax stamps.
Most importantly .. I don't pretend I'm anything I'm not.
ETA: This has gone off subject long enough, and for that I apologize to the OP.
I'm done with Silvers.
Its obvious to me that Silvers and I do not agree nor will we likely ever.
We will likely not be exchanging Christmas cards either.