Originally Posted by rsilvers
I am not sure what heat-exposure concerns you have, but the nitriding-treatment is a benefit. Glock, HK and Swiss Arms does it to their barrels.
There is no saying how the AAC barrels compare to any specific custom barrel without shooting many samples of each and taking measurements to see which is more in spec. That being said, we already did that work. The AAC barrel is made to a very high standard.
In a study done which you can find here:
www.riflebarrels.com/articles/barrel_life1.pdf , the conclusions note that, "there is peeling of the oxide layer by tangential cracks under the surface resulting from shear stress." They note that chrome lined bores do the same thing, but in less time. That does not sound like accuracy to me.
If it made for the most accurate barrel, benchrest shooters would be all over it. For a battle rifle like an AR, it may be ideal.
George at GA Precision has told me most US sniper rifles pass accuracy as long as they can hold MOA accuracy. No doubt many shoot better than that, but they are not required to.
I guess answering the "are they accurate?" question is subjective to what the buyer defines as being accurate. By looking at the suggested premium barrel manufacturers, I'm guessing the expectations are high.