I, for one, believe rsilvers deserves a bit of credit here. Among all the bashing he's received, he has remained the professional that we so strive for in the industry. Can he, or Reminton, or AAC please everyone? No; that is an impossible feat to think that we or anyone can accomplish. Think of what he (and when I mean he, I mean the collective rsilvers, Remington, and AAC) has done for the CONCEPT of the cartridge. In time, I believe that he will have done more than JD has. I haven't seen anything yet in the gunrags about the cartridge; nothing mainstream or frontpage at least. The popularity of this thing is GONNA TAKE OFF once people really grasp the concept. In addition, I believe suppressor sales ARE GOING TO SKYROCKET. This is good for everyone (nearly) in our little niche market, and as mentioned above, will only bring more products to fruition and a resulting decrease in prices for those products. So thank you, AAC/Remington/rsilvers, for doing us all a favor; even if we don't realize it in the short-term.
Kevin Days
Can you hear that? It's our founding fathers turning over in their graves...