Originally Posted by debob
i only have a gen III Phrobis, a gen 4 Phrobis and a buck, unsure of date but im pretty sure it's just a plain nothing special bay.
i began collecting Ka-Bars by means of my Police dept obtaining them from DRMO. as i would get them in and see various makes and research them and kept some to hang in my office. then i found as long as i kept the inventory to correct numbers i could swap them out, so i go to gun shows and purchase run of the mill ka-bars and swap them out for the ones i wished to toss in my military collection.
then we start getting the M9's in, didnt think much of them until i picked up a box of 20 for friend at another dept. i didnt know much about them but i knew when i looked at them the m9 usmc was something i have never seen even during my short time in army EOD. so i research them and find all this out, i called my friend and told him up front what he had and asked if i could swap 4 regular m9's for 2 FT's and 2 1991's. i have the 1348 where there were shipped to the DRMO, btw the DRMO had a box of about 75 and when i saw what rough shape they were in i didnt pick and choose i just counted out 20, now i wonder what the others were. also that box has already cycled off the DRMO and was set for destruction after it rolled off.
hope this helps
First of all welcome to the forums and congratulations for you very nice find!!!!!
I'm reading with interest the story about your bayonets, but I don't understand what the "1348" and "DRMO" are.