I think the M9's day has yet to come (so far as we collectors are concerned). This bayonet seems to be a bit obscure to the average guy. However, with the large number of cheap imitations now on the market; many from foreign shores, familiarity with the principal design will increase. Periodic releases of US Government "DX'd" bayonets have also entered the market. Another factor will be the large number of U.S. servicemen whom will have had first-hand experience with the MPBS M9 because of the protracted war on terror. Some of these warriors will undoubtedly look fondly upon this symbol of their service, and perhaps a few will even gravitate towards becoming collectors themselves. This has certainly been the case with war material from WWII, Korea, & Vietnam. Lastly, when Bill Porter's landmark book on the M9 is finally published, the secret will be out!
Last edited by pwcosol; 01-10-2011 at 07:17 PM.