With the right speed the 8 twist is not needed. Know someone with a 300 whisper that has a 1 in 10 and shoots 220 rn just fine.Different guns, same twist. Have found that when shooting cast, sometimes you get a gun that is real sensitive, ie..has to be cast harder, softer, different lubes, different powder, sized, not sized, and even primers. But at 1800 fps it should shoot ok. Have a 357 shooting a 215 cast at near max pressure. It shoots just fine until it is reduced to 1000 fps ( for sub use ) and past 50 yds they do better if you throw them. Shooting 180's with jackets just fine. Check out Cast Boolits web site. Some of those guys on there shoot some big long stuff in normal twist rifles. Just trying to give some info that somebody might find useful.-- NEF handi rifle 357, noted for looong throats.