In my research on my BuckMaster book, I have discovered that 55 XM9 # 29's set's were made however 50 were sent to US Military for the XM9 trial's and 5 were held back at PHROBIS for there own extermention and test's. If you own an unmarked one you account for the third XM9 #29 I know that exist from the 5 that were held back. I have a few exclusive pictures of the very first M9 bayonet design idea's that will be seen first in the next 3 month's...
Thanks to Rick MacDonald Head Machinest of Qual-A-Tec / the PHROBIS Company's and Harry Camphuysen VP of Qual -A- Tec and on th R & D team for all the PHROBIS Company's. I now have a TON's of PHROBIS Historical information with document's, and picture's to back up the never heard before story's that will be shared in my book.