hmmm.......looks like I gotta sell some things....seeing a couple potential future projects.......
for a 338 sub....pardon my stupidity as I am just starting to educate myself on this caliber potential.......wouldn't a 308 necked up and shoulder moved back work? and yes, I am thinking possible mag fed in a semi auto......thinking on a 308 ar10 style rifle. just not overly impressed with the durability of 6.8 bolts....both from personal experience and lots of friends who use the caliber also.....only reason I might consider it in a ar15 is the fact that it would be at lower pressures then a standard 6.8.
other potential project I am considering is a semi auto variation of of richards 50 thumper. using a 300 wsm but cut back a little further then he did. It does not look like the really long 750grn projectiles would fit in a magazine, but some of the lessor ones I believe could work.........
Last edited by love2shoot; 11-11-2010 at 11:42 PM.