New Zealand
Firearm laws are very relaxed....with some unusual twists....
No hunting with handguns....range use only. You have to be sponsored by a pistol club & then attend several events a year to maintain licence.
Military style weapons (AR's, AK's, anything with 15 shot mag, folding stock or flash hider) require a special licence. The trick here is none of these can be imported into the country. Only existing rifles in NZ are available. An AR here costs nothing short of 10,000 NZ dollars!!!! because of this. Another reason why I don't have a semi 300 whisper.
But beyond that rules are relaxed....yes people even own 50BMG's & 510 whispers and all sorts of other fun goodies.
The best part is still the large range of hunting availble on public land for free. Some verygood animals are taken if the hours are put in.
I think Your'l like the relaxed life style.