Thanks for your post & pictures of the Lan-Cay M9. It appears you have a standard first pattern M9. The very first bayonets had blades manufactured by General Cutlery. They are identified primarily by the company's name, (now Lan-Cay), being in entirely capital letters (LANCAY), of equal size & font, stamped on the blade's ricasso. The second marking variant is like that pictured on your bayonet, with a larger capital "L" & "C". Lan-Cay eventually received permission to eliminate some of the design features inherent on the original bayonet pattern, and the fuller was one of the first to be deleted. As M9s go, your example is not rare, but IMO more desirable than the majority of later variants . The scabbard should have all four lugs, and likely a original-pattern cutter plate. The 1992 dated FASTEX clip on the suspension would be a correct one for when the bayonet was assembled. If you research some of the many posts provided in this sub-forum, there is plenty of good information available on Lan-Cay's production history.
Last edited by pwcosol; 11-02-2010 at 11:49 AM.