My SSK .300 Whisper 10" bbl upper is now shooting <1.5" groups consistently at 100 yards, with Corbon 220 gr. factory ammo, and the SSK suppressor installed. SSK replaced the barrel, but it still wasn't shooting well without the suppressor.
Here's what I learned:
1. I get 4-8" groups without the SSK suppressor, off a benchrest. I'm thinking there is some kind of perturbation going on with the gas system, when the heavy suppressor is not there to calm things down.
2. I get better groups (3"?) without the suppressor with the gas turned off, but they are not consistent.
3. It takes about 30 shots to "condition" my clean barrel for best accuracy. Why? No idea, but JD Jones insists this is necessary, and it works. I now just leave my upper dirty, although I don't feel good about it. Thank goodness the barrel is stainless.
4. This combo (Corbon sub-sonic with suppressor) is all I really care about anyway, so I am pretty happy.
5. Except . . . now that I have the damn thing shooting right, no one has the Corbon ammo for sale. This gun has become the most popular one with my guests for mid-day plinking at the deer camp. It is a real kick, and very quiet, but a case of ammo doesn't last very long, especially with full auto bursts.
Next step is to get back to my Leupold SPR scope tests, now that I have this baby up and running right. I'll do this as soon as I can find some more ammo, and post results under the "Which Scope is Best?" topic. So far, it is dead on at the 100 and 200 yard aiming points, but I haven't tried the 300 and 400 yard aiming points yet.