while I am not using 300 whisper brass.....I am using 7.62x25brass running the same projectiles.......I have found so far that quick loads has been 15% to 25% off on predicted velocities on everything 180grns and up.
I am about to try the my next round of loading subs for this and am loading them for a higher quickloads velocity hoping to get them were I want them. I am also trying out some loads with standard primers and with magnum primers to see what the difference will be.....
I am loading for an estimated velocities from 1100FPS up to 1300FPS with most of this batch in anticipation of things running slower. Some powders may stay closerer to the predicted then others. from what I have seen and read. there is a LOT of expermintation and a learning curve for reloading the subs.......but when you get it, dam it is sweet.