Originally Posted by rigore
Please take me off for the 7.76 x 39. I figured I can buy these direct and save you the hassle. Thanks.
Thanks that does help... it's not that I wouldn't order but 7.62x39 gauges ARE $26/ea UNTIL FIRDAY and guys can order them direct here:
The prices are expected to go up about $3/gauge effective Saturday Oct 15th (Hence the reason we are placing the order the 14th!!!
The original purpose of this thread was for 5.45x39 gauges and those are $48/ea unless we by more then 12... then we get them for $26/ea.
For those that did not pay yet for their 7.62x39 gauges I would welcome you to order those directly if possible but if you already paid or want to pay that is fine and I will order them on my dimes.
Sorry for all the confusion... for those that may not know my Brother was shot this past week and his wife and son kidnapped. My brother's wounds are getting better, their son seems to be doing fine, but my sister-in-law is in prety bad shape from jumping from a moving mini van at highway speeds to get away from the assailants. I am trying to get back into my own routeen but I was out with my brother all of last week so I was not able to really manage this group buy so well... I hope to be better about this next time and we will do another if people still need the 5.45x39 gauges or perhaps even some other custom gauges. I just needed to close ths one for the curent price and to do so in a way that will not break my budget as I have spent a small fortune last week between gas, food, and giving my brother some money to help him get by....