I used 303/25s for many years and only recently stopped using them in favour of the 300 Whisper. They took care of most things from rabbits to pigs and the only reason I stopped was that the Whisper is much quieter, so I can shoot closer to farmhouses etc. I found the 87 grain bullets good all rounders, my No1 MkIII would group them extremely well and it did me for many years as my main firearm. I also have a No4 and a 96 Mauser in 303/25, I bought because they looked nice, but they didn't take the place of the No1 MkIII. I started using another No1 MkIII in 303/22 for a while as it was a little better on foxes and rabbits, but it was very loud, so now I use either a 222 or the Whisper. For loads I used 33-35 grains of AR2208 with the 87gn or the 75gn HP.