Originally Posted by jlee
Thanks Whisperfan for the reply. Not sure what the headstock hole diameter is. Will find out. Do you have to have a FFL to turn gun barrels? I know you do to make supressors.
Your answer about needing an FFL is, "It all depends"
Technically, gunsmiths that perform gunsmithing as a profession and for pay need an FFL.
There are nine types of FFL:
Type 1 - Dealer of or gunsmith for Title 1 fireamrs other than destructive devices.
Type 2 - A pawnbroker dealing in Title 1 firearms
Type 3 - Licensed collector of Curio & Relic (C&R) firearms
Type 6 - Licensed manufacturer of ammunition and reloading components other than Armor Piercing ammunition
Type 7 - Title 1 manufacturer of firearms, who can also act as dealer, other than Destructive Devices, ammunition and ammunition components other than Armor Piercing ammunition. Can also manufacture & deal in Title II NFA firearms with class 2 tax stamp.
Type 8 - Importer of Title 1 firearms and ammunition. Can also import Title II NFA firearms with class 1 tax stamp.
Type 9 -Dealer in Title 1 firearms including NFA destructive devices, Requires payment as an SOT Class 1 (can act as an NFA Dealer) and registration with the US Dept. of State as a Broker under ITAR/D-TRADE. To deal/broker any DD with an explosives content (i.e. Flash-Bangs), requires an additional FFL; Dealer of High Explosives
Type 10 - Manufacturer of Title 1 firearms, ammunition and ammunition components, manufacturer of NFA Destructive Devices, ammunition for Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing ammunition (can act as a dealer). Requires payment as an SOT Class 2 (can act as an NFA Dealer) and registration with the US Dept. of State as a Manufacturer under ITAR/D-TRADE. To manufacture any DD with an explosives content (i.e. Flash-Bangs), requires an additional FFL; Type 20 Manufacturer of High Explosives.
Type 11 - Importer of Title 1 firearms, ammunition and NFA Destructive Devices, ammunition for Destructive Devices and Armor Piercing ammunition. Requires payment as an SOT Class 1 and registration with the US Dept. of State as a Broker under ITAR/D-TRADE. To import any DD with an explosives content (i.e. Flash-Bangs), requires an additional FFL; Importer of High Explosives.
If you are going to turn barrels for yourself and your friends, no FFL is needed. If you are going to do it as part as a business, you would need a Type 1 FFL.
As far as suppressors are concerened, if you are going to make suppressors for yourself, on a Form 1, no FFL are needed. If you are going to make suppressors for sale, you need a Type 7 FFL with a paid SOT (Special Occupational Tax) and then you can make and sell them to others. The added benefit of having your 07/SOT is that in addition to suppressors, you can make yourself a Glock 18, or convert your AR to a full-auto and you can buy post samples. Of course, you can't sell these posties to civilians.