We've had pretty good results with 2400 and N110. In point of fact both of those work very well in the .510 as well. We had decent consistancy with H110 but only if we loaded and shot in the same day. When temps changed the performance changed, sometimes drastically. We have had problems when crimping with velocity jumping all over. Uncrimped seems to work best with the faster powders though I imagine crimping might help with the slower ones. We've been loading mostly subsonics so the faster powders are what we use. They tend to be quieter too.
As Steve noted the accuracy might be better in the SKS if you use .311" bullets though I've seen quite a number of rifles using smaller bullets with great result. A friend shoots his Enfield sniper with Sierra 175gr Matchkings and is shooting and winning in competitions. The enfield is a .311" bore and the matchkings .308" dia. Also note that the Ruger mini 30's, the Remington 799's and from what I hear the FN TSR thats on the way all use a .308 bore with the 7.62X39 so be aware. Small bullets in a bigger bore are not a safety issue but bigger bullets in a smaller bore might be.
Hope something here helps.....