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Old 05-12-2010, 10:08 PM
oregonshooter oregonshooter is offline
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My .30cal SRT Shadow is .340" for a .308 bullet. Not sure where the .050" for a FS comes from as the hole size means nothing on a FS so I would give myself lots of room on a FS. I made one for my FN-FAL .308 and drilled it to .344 because it's a common bit and the FS is only 1" past the muzzle.

You are better off staying over bored than risking baffle hits. You are not going to get "hollywood" levels with a thread on. If you want to get the quietest possible you will need to go intregal / reflex / thread on in that order.

Last edited by oregonshooter; 05-13-2010 at 10:39 PM. Reason: Had .400" on SRT which is waaaaay wrong. sorry!
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Old 05-13-2010, 01:18 AM
sha-ul sha-ul is offline
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Originally Posted by Rikky Lee View Post
No Hotmail or Yahoo allowed. You need a "real" country specific/service provider specific email to log on.
that definitely screws some of us, I use wildblue satellite for an isp, I have never been able to get their email to work, & I install& repair dsl services on a daily basis. so I use& have used yahoo for about 12 years on the same account.
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Old 05-13-2010, 07:35 AM
d-mon d-mon is offline
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Originally Posted by oregonshooter View Post
You are better off staying over bored than risking baffle hits. You are not going to get "hollywood" levels with a thread on. If you want to get the quietest possible you will need to go intregal / reflex / thread on in that order.
Hello Oregon Shooter,
I can not say to much about integrals because i have shot only 22lr rifles with that type of supressors, but for subsonic ammo the reflex is definnitly no better performer than the thread on (or muzzle can as commonly named).Sometime even inferior. I believe that the reason is as follow:
-the end of a typical muzzle can is 200 to 250mm further than the muzzle
- a reflex tend to be anywhere between 70 to 150mm from the muzzle (except other specific designs) They do not contend the noise far enough to be as efficient as a longer muzzle can.

The reflex supressors are however performing very well with supersonic ammo. But then so does a good muzzle can: it is just not as convenient to carry arround.

That is my experience with 308 and 44 mag rifles.
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Old 05-13-2010, 10:47 PM
oregonshooter oregonshooter is offline
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I've not used a reflex, just read on them and the one model was made in Finland? The theory looked good though as the design had a larger expansion chamber than you could get with a thread on. They did use barrel porting though, not the same as a "reflex" that just saves OAL like I see in the American models.

I have shot .308 / .223 / .22lr through my SRT .30 can and for all practical purposes I'm sold on buy the largest caliber you will want and make thread adaptors.

I have a Trident9 I'll be using for my 300Whisper / MP5 / Glock 17 / High Standard 22lr with 3 adaptors. The extra noise is minimal, really!

Special purpose = intregal, versitality = largest bore adapted down

PS> corrected my SRT overbore from .400" to .340" in post above... sorry bout that.
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Old 05-16-2010, 06:26 AM
d-mon d-mon is offline
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I have been fitting more than a dozen BR tuote reflex supressors on rifles from 223 to 30-06 caliber and tried them all.
I also played with a few 22lr with reflex designs as well.

The expending chamber on the rear of Reflex is definitly usefull for full power load, but for subsonic loads does not do as much as a longer muzzle can.

I am lucky for having leaved in countries where there is not to much restrictions about how many silencers you can get (France, uk and New Zealand) so I can get one can per gun and with the baffles adapted for each calibre: it makes things more efficient.

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Old 05-16-2010, 02:07 PM
HUNTER2 HUNTER2 is offline
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Have 2 reflex suppressors. Ops. Inc. 30 cal. for 300 whisper and Liberty for a 375. Work great for subs. Even like them better that the QD muzzle mount, even though I shoot both. Each have their own cons and pros.
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