Thanks for the info on this method. I tried the drill and screw method - not nearly as easy as they make it seem, unless you have a gunsmith's shop with extremely hard and powerful drill bits, which I don't. Eventually, I got out my Dremmel and did it your way. I ended up sawing out a square around the pin, then removing it. But, it still would not unscrew. So I split it like you did. I just barely hit the threads in one spot, but nothing substantial, and my new linear compensator went on smoothly without forcing or trouble. It's a shame we have to mess with silly things like this, like somehow a pinned compensator made the firearm any different. If anything it made it less safe, especially for people's hearing. Politicians are stupid, but of course, we allow them to have the power they weild. So, who is really stupid? I'm looking forward to shooting at the range without grown men crying next to me, not to mention their poor kids, and not to mention maybe keeping a little more of my hearing. Thanks again.