Originally Posted by Scalce
I emailed Eric Sinclair who owns the business.
I think he made it in a few weeks if I remember correctly.
It's their 223 trimmer with the shoulder indexing hole bored out to the 308 trimmer dimensions.
You don't have a ton of case to hold onto but it works.
I bought one of those rubber pads from KMart that you use to open stuck jar lids and cut it into a small cross so I can grip the case and protect my finger from getting a nice bruise from the case head pressing against it.
Thanks I just emailed them. I have been using a band saw to cut my virgin brass, using 204 Ruger Rem brass BPS had on sale, and a wilson/sinclair trimmer to finalize the trim then neck trimming with a K&M w/ a power adapter.It just takes to long to finalize the trim which the P.H. would speed up.