Well I had sometime today to build my redneck terminal ballistic indicator....see picture attached. You might notice most things i do are (redneck)
This is its condition after completing the testing but you get the idea. the wood is 1inch rough cut pallet lumber from Mexico(I have no idea but it is harder than pine). 6 boards are spaced about 1 inch apart, next is a steel belted radial. The shots were from left to right at 100 yrds. here are the results.
45 long colt 240gr xtp 1600fps penetrates all wood but was lodged in the tire tread upon entry--no expansion
454casull 250gr xpt 2100fps penetrates all wood and both tire treads lodged in dirt- expansion after it hit dirt.
300 fireball 130gr 2250fps ttsx barnes penetrates all wood, both tire treads left 1 petal behind so I assume it was expanding.
300 fireball 125gr spitzer 2200fps-penetrates all wood 1st tire tread and jacket gets lodged in inner tire underside of second tread.
300fireball 150gr sst 1950fps penetrates all wood 1 tire tread and was lodged exiting 2nd tire tread showed good expansion and retaines most of weight.
300fireball 208amax 1000fps subsonic penetrates all wood and 1st tire tread bounced off scond tread inside of tire and was laying inside tire. All tests were done at 25 degrees F. So what do you think
