Thank you. THAT was exactly the kind of info I was looking to find. It confirms a lot of what I was thinking. Do you think the 50 AK case could be shortened any? That's all the Linebaugh series is, shorter 50 AK cases. I am guessing there is excess capacity with the 50AK. The case length is approx. 2.1" and the 500 Linebaugh Long is 1.6" and 500 Lindbaugh is 1.4" I do not expect to shoot supersonic at all.
I handload 385gr. bullets for the 500 S&W and at 1400 fps and the recoil isn't all that bad even in a pistol. I was thinking that a bullet of double the weight, even at a lower velocity may have a bunch more recoil. That's why I was thinking about at a bolt action. I now believe I will definitely try and make this build on a bolt action and see if I can get it to feed from a mag. Guess I could always make it a single shot bolt gun. I'm thinking a Savage center-feed Long Action would be the ticket. Pre-threaded barrels make assembly real easy.
Has anyone tried turning the rim down and then cutting an extractor groove in the 50 AK cases to get them to work in a bolt action?
"Who was the Warrior in the Red Armor?"
Last edited by Wicked; 12-27-2009 at 12:33 PM.