I am a long time bayonet collector who does not specialise in a particualr area, time or country. For years i stayed away from the M9 and it was not until i bought a BCN commemerative M9 that the bug caught, since then i have added several, though nothing on par with the serious collectors, i was slowly building up information to put together a dedicated M9 page with my meagre collection and information i had gathered, then i found this site and will let Quaterbore do all the hard work ;) . I am here more to get info than add much i think, as there are people like Ken and Bill who know a lot more than me, but i ope to learn more about a collectable blade.
The rest of my collection including special pages 9many produced with the help of other collectors) on the AK blades, the Austrian 1895, Czech VZ's, Chassepots etc can be seen on my web site,