The lugs on the bolt hold the bolt closed longer with the delay of the gas
then the hi preasure is reduced to safer low levels before the bolt comes back.
on a blowback the bolt comes back with very little delay, in fact its
almost instant.
Yes a pistol is blowback but they are made to have delay before
the slide comes back on some calibers like a 357 sig.
If you think a blowback 300 whisper has not been tried,
call Olympic Arms or JD Jones and ask how there AR blowback
prototypes in 300 whisper and 357 sig worked.

They will tell you they did work but the brass was destroyed after
the first round.
Oly tried a AR 357 sig prototype using a 40 sw bolt and a 9mm barrel rechambered for 357 sig
and it blew up the brass.
There is a artical about a blowback AR 357 sig that Kurts Custom firearms built and it destroyed the brass but was fun.