I saw on this forum a great way to do it and have processed 2200 rounds of .223/5.56 using a small pipe cutter and a small plastic clamp.
After that, I run the brass through my Redding sizing die, the die set I use is the #80432.
I find that if I cut the .223 brass at the neck, I don't have to use the .27 caliber expander button.
I just use the .30 cal expander button and I'm good to go.
I trim to length using the Lee .221 Fireball length gauge with a .223 shellholder and a cordless drill. The length gauge will "wobble" a bit so I have found that cutting off a small section of the straw on a sports drink bottle will serve as a .30 cal "sleeve".
After they are trimmed and still in the shellholder attached to the cordless drill, I chamfer and de-burr them.
I check my neck thickness and have trimmed the neck on my brass using the Hornady Neck Turning Tool.
Once I am done with all that I throw them in the tumbler with a little NuFinish and let'em "cook" for a few hours.
Pics of pipe cutter and the "evolution" from .223 - .300 Whisper included.
Keep The High Ground,
Last edited by Just Call Me...G; 11-08-2009 at 02:10 AM.