Again, I appreciate the feedback! Lots of good info there. I'll have to let that all sink in.
I had considered an adjustable AK gas block like this:
But this is the ONLY one I could find, it looks large, heavy, and I'm not sure how it works. I think maybe I will look at a piston AR block and see about how that would work. Since I plan on a diameter heavier than .6 which seems to be the largest diameter any ak "sniper" was ever made in.
I understand how the suppressor would make the exhaust sound it worse, it will decrease the exit speed of the gas which will increase the pressure. However, I'm curious as to how much noise it would make with a subsonic round? Maybe similar because regardless of bullet speed, there has to be enough gas to cycle the action, once it's done it'll vent all the same. Although I suspect if the block were adjustable one could limit the amount of excess gas to a minimum.