I am doing a detailed description,history etc on the 184 Buckmaster(and a few others) for the BCCI(Buck Collectors Club Inc). I live up here in the Pacific Northwest and have been able to pick Joe Houser's brain on the 184. Mr Moon you own a few Buckmasters that I would love to have

I am going to let some of my VERY rare M9's go. The rarest one I have is a demilitrized Japanese M9 UNSHARPENED. Joe H is pretty sure it was a demo so the Japanese buyers wouldnt get cut. I also have a 4th gen unsharpened M9 that is wore only by the wire cutter lug hole. Joe also thinks this was a demo also...In a few weeks when he has time I am getting these authenticated by him or told they are lunchbox specials. I need more Buckmasters