Originally Posted by Cerebus
Is barrel installation a DIY project on a CZ rifle? ...or does a smith need to be involved?
I guess the answer to this one depends on what sort of equipment and experience you have. If you have rebarreled a few mauser 98's or that sort of thing than yes, the CZ could be done yourself. If all you have is a vise and a monkey wrench than I'd suggest a good smith. I've not pulled the barrel from my CZ yet but its probably just like the rest of the euro spec actions where the barrel is torqued in fairly tight and loctite is used as a thread locker. The Zastava rifles were done that way and so have a couple 700's I worked on. I've never pulled a ruger bolt rifle barrel but have not heard much good about them. I use the standard Mauser M98 action wrench on the remington 799's and will use it one the CZ but I've made adapters from aluminum to fit the various receiver sizes since the 98 is a much larger diameter compared to the other two listed. The barrel vise I use is a standard unit which clamps the barrel between 2 oak blocks and the vise clamps to my milling machine table so that its very solid. I use rosin on the blocks to help keep the barrel from slipping and without that little detail you will never get a tight barrel out.
I hope that answers your question and if not let us know what more info you need.