Now things are getting wacky with the 200 grain Laps and 4198...
More loads and a pattern developing:
Grains Av Vel (fps)
11 895
11.5 944
12 975
12.5 1064
13 Didn't try
13.5 1120
Tried 14 grains behind a 220 RN - weird velocity spikes.
With the 250 SMKs (How much I hate using them at all!!!) and crying tears between each shot.
16 grains - 4198
a. 1080
b. 1077
c. 1108
Av: 1088fps and SD of 17fps
Now we are getting somewhere - the 250 fills the volume of the case well and the 16 grains sits deep enough for some consistent ignition.
Next steps:
a. Try 15.5 and 15.8 grains of 4198.
b. Get some 240SMKs!
c. Ignore the 200 grain Lapuas...
Wish me luck.