I make and sell a lot of 300x221 brass.
I do it in a "semi-production environment" on a Dillon 650.
Starting with a casefeeder full of 223 cases, the stations go as follows:
#1 RCBS lube die (decaps and lubes) modified for additional lube volume and to make refills easier.
#2 left empty
#3 Dillon 308 case trimmer shortened the requsite amount to trim 223 cases down to 1.4" while putting a 30 caliber neck most of the way down where it belongs. Vacum cleaner running flat-out keeping the brass cuttings cleared from the trim die. Inline brass catch chamber in the vacum line so the brass shavings fall into an easily emptied 1 gallon plastic mayonaise jar.
#4 custom lube die made to fit the semi-formed cases
#5 Redding 300x221 die with the expander button in place, but no decapping pin
In goes 223, out comes fully formed 300x221
I do about 450-500 cases an hour with this setup.
The slowest part is keeping track of the lube resivoirs and controlling the drips when you stop to keep the brass chip vacum system cleared out.
My body is only good for about 2 hours at a time.
Between the vacum cleaner and the dillon trimmer, this monstrosity is LOUD.
I wear my peltors every time I turn the rig on.
Sometime in the future I want to get a long vacum hose and move the vacum outside or into a sound box.
Randall Rausch