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Old 03-06-2010, 09:38 AM
mak91 mak91 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 63
Here is my 2 cents on M1S, don't get me wrong I have purchased a bunch of stuff from them over the last 10 years and may buy from them again for standard parts that they have in stock and ready to ship. Last year I ordered one of their 300 fireball barrels, I wanted a 10 inch barrel with pistol gas port. When I placed the order I was told it would be a 2 - 3 month wait. After 3 months I called and was told another 3-4 weeks out, after 4 weeks I called and was told the same thing. After 6 months of this I called and told them if they were not working on my order yet I wanted to cancel it. They got mad but I did cancel. That same day I ordered what I wanted from tp555, I had it in 3 weeks and it was less than what M1S wanted. I don't mind someone giving me a wait time but don't tell me bs just to get my order. If they don't have a clue how long it will really take because they are dependent upon getting material from their suppliers I understand that but they should tell you that.
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